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It had me "volunteering" to do ALL the med school teaching because I wanted to be a team player. Actually, what I really wanted was to get home before the kids went to bed.
It had me going to another faculty recruitment dinner because I was afraid I'd get an even worse schedule next month if I declined. Actually, what I really wanted was a fair schedule that didn't depend on the boss' mood.
It had me attending another department meeting I didn't have time for because the boss threatened to deny bonuses to those who missed. Actually, what I really wanted was to provide high-quality clinical care without threats of retaliation from my boss.


The Culture of Medicine demands 

we sacrifice for the greater good, even if it isn't good for us.


  • Eventually, it's easy to forget WHAT we want.

  • It's easy to forget WHO we are.

  • It's easy to think this is the norm and nothing can ever change.

  • It's easy to think that WE are the problem.


Here's What Never Works Long-Term

  • Working harder- you work hard ENOUGH
  • Agreeing to more committee work you don't want to do- your free time is precious & yours
  • Post-poning your colonoscopy to be a "team player" and cover more shifts- you're a part of the team, WHAT you want matters too
  • Accepting another book chapter you don't want to do because boss says "this will help you get promoted"- what if you could get promoted doing the things you LOVE?
  • Blaming yourself- You are NEVER the problem. Ever.

 results you'll love

  • Know how to slow the mental spinning, allow yourself to rest, & create brilliant options
  • Get a simple matrix to leverage your INHERENT strengths for more success & joy with a fraction of the effort
  • Make decisions that FEEL GOOD & get you closer to the life you LOVE
  • Feel more visible, appreciated, belonging, & cared for
  • Feel better RIGHT AWAY


about me:

I found my way to coaching through my own recovery from physician burnout. I was tired of feeling tired. I was desperate to feel better.  I hired a coach & felt better right away. I eventually became an expert-certified, trauma-informed coach. I now help women physicians become HAPPY in Medicine, their homes, & in their relationships. At the workshop series, you'll get the four frameworks that turned my life around (& helped COUNTLESS others!). This series is BRAND NEW. Expect to feel better right away.  I'd LOVE for you to join!💗 

What other women physicians are saying...


Through this work, I realized most of my day was me moving through overwhelm, rush, shutting down, numbing out AND I learned how to slow it ALL down to take care of me. You have GOT to get to this training!"

“I've never heard any of this before and it really resonated with me. This is my story. I understand myself so much more now. I now have the tools to build the life of MY dreams (not my boss's, mom's, lab manager's). Completely empowering!"

"They don't teach this in med school. And they should. It's ready-to-use tools that explain why the job is hard and how to make it (not years from now). Bring your friends. Invite your sister. Grab your mentees. DON'T MISS THIS! "

sign me up!